Inside a Cluttered Mind.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Ideas, some absurd, and some not so absurd.

And yet I am left with no other choice, but to examine them. As of late, I have considered some strange ideas, many of which are considered impossible by most. One such example would be the utilization of the electrostatic properties of water as to shape it into rigid bodies. In some cases, this would seem impossible, but the more I dug into the physical properties of water, this is indeed possible. What the problem comes into for this idea is power. Not even the most well built nuclear power plants today could yield the instant burst of power to ionize a volume of water sufficiently to make it into a rigid body even for a few seconds. This is the only hurdle to its use. If it were possible to make the power needed, and the mechanism to distribute it along the whole of a volume of water, the uses would be limitless. Buildings made of a simple molecule like water. Or water stored as itself with no external containers around it. Or using water inside of materials to reshape them like concrete. Or even control the over flow of water in a human body to keep it from damaging vital organs.

Beyond the fantastic theories and ideas, another idea as come to mind, which I think it not so absurd at this moment: I want to legally change my first [and possibly last] name. Right now, all that concerns me is the legal fee costs. Other than that, I think I will probably have it changed on my birthday as to signal the change of me being what others want to what I want. I expect that many people will not approve of it, especially my current employer, but legally they have no say in it. I do expect this to cause some confusion for them, and my fellow co-workers. Most of all, I think it will signal to them to question their assumptions about me, perhaps it will signal to them that some of their assumptions are right and some wrong. Still, I cannot expect myself to continue to hide as I have done so for many years. My life is beginning to swing toward its decline in respect of biology [at this current technological level], so I must make an effort here and now in utilizing what is left of my life for my own benefit. Perhaps, I can recapture some of that youthful energy to see the world as I want to see it. Even if it does mean I may lose my current employment.

-- Brede


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